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Dental implants

Dental implant treatment is a long-term investment. A dental implant could last a lifetime as long as its insertion is correct, its quality is very good, hygiene is adequate and dental regular check is carried out regularly.

When we decide to opt for a dental implant, it is very important to document the type of implant we need and the experience of the doctor who will perform this operation.

At Dental Experts we are proud of over 15,000 inserted implants and a tradition of over 70 years of medicine and over 50 years in dentistry.

Our specialists in dental alveolar surgery guarantee the excellent treatment and recovery of patients, assisted by: a modern operating room, recovery room for patients, anesthesia equipment, sedation equipment.

The success of a dental implant treatment depends both on the experience of the implantologist and on the quality of the materials and equipment used.

Not every dentist can perform complex implantology interventions!

In Romania, graduates of the dental medicine schools, starting with the 1998 class, have the right to insert dental implants without other accreditations, and those who had graduated before need a certificate in implantology. Dentists without specialization in surgery or periodontology do NOT have the right to perform bone additions, gum manipulations and complex implantology interventions, but only to insert implants in simple cases..

Implantology is not recognized as a specialization by itself, but is part of dental prosthetics and oral surgery. Ideally, the specialist treating you should have at least two specializations from the following: Oral-Dental Surgery, Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Periodontology, Dental Prosthetics.

We are recognized for the fact that we treat the most difficult cases, a large part of our patients have been refused by other clinics due to the complexity of the case.

The implantologists in our clinic have all the necessary specializations and over 25 years of experience in dental implantology, successfully treating the most complicated cases of bone augmentation, external and internal sinus lift. (+ radiographs major bone augmentation).

An intervention is always carried out with two doctors and at least 3 nurses, to guarantee the patient optimal conditions of sterility and quality of the operative act.

Stages of dental implant treatment

1. Consultation and treatment plan

The patient presents himself in our clinic. Following the radiological investigations (panoramic radiography and CBCT) a treatment plan is received which will include all the necessary costs. If the patient accepts the treatment plan, the following appointments will be made as soon as possible.

2. Implant insertion

Before the implant is inserted, each individual case is extremely well planned according to the needs of each patient. There are situations in which the insertion of the implant is done with the help of guided surgery. This means that the respective guide that is placed in the patient’s mouth during the intervention is planned by the surgeon together with the dental technician. Guided surgery is much more precise and safer.

3. Completion of the work

After 3/6 months from the insertion of the implant, the final work on the implant will be received. The recommended work is to be a screw-retained crown made of zirconia metal ceramic or metal composite injected.

The quality of the dental implant and the material from which the prosthetic work is made are essential for the durability of a long-term treatment.

There are different implant types, both in terms of quality and design. You can make some choice yourself, others are up to the doctor. In our clinic, we work with the following types of implants: Straumann premium implant, Zimmer trabecular metal implant, Bredent implant, REX implant, MIS implant, Dentis implant.
Depending on the clinical situation of each patient, a certain implant time is recommended.

The aspects that you, as a patient, must know about choosing the type of implant are presented by Prof. Dr. Emanuel Bratu in the following video.

Out of respect for our patients and the constant desire to offer them the best solutions, we tested the resistance of the materials to guarantee the long-term success of the treatments offered.

Each of these materials has certain aesthetic and functional advantages and disadvantages and their selection must be made according to the pressure exerted on them and the amplitude of mandibular dynamics; by no means according to financial or aesthetic reasons, otherwise problems such as fracturing, chipping, premature aging of the restorations or, more seriously, TMJ pain occur.

Using the digital sensor from Tekscan (the sensor that is the basis of most force measuring devices, which has been adapted and calibrated for measuring inter-arcade forces in different masticatory movements), by applying a new method, the doctors in our clinic manage to obtain greater precision in measurement of masticatory pressure in three critical stages of a treatment plan: the initial consultation, the interim stage and after fixing the final restorations.

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Dental Experts Certificate of Conformity

Durability is the most important factor that guarantees work in our clinic. That is why we will cover any restoring or repairing cost for 2 years after performing an implant. Thus we fulfill the promise of a successful treatment to our patients.
Because we want to be as transparent as possible and provide all the correct information , at Dental Experts, each patient receives, at the end of the treatment, a certificate of compliance with all detailed information regarding the dental work.
This certificate states that “Dental Experts by Prof. Dr. Bratu” works with the best quality materials and that they do not and will not compromise on quality.

The price of a dental implant is reflected both by the complexity and difficulty of the case, as well as by the type of implant chosen and the duration of its implementation. The most important aspect is to end up in the “right hands”. At the Dental Experts Clinic we will always find the right solution for you.

Periodic control extends the implant life span!

he durability of the implant and the prosthetic works on the implants are conditioned by the performance of periodic dental checks and professional cleanings (recommended interval: once every 4 months).

Carrying out the periodic control at the right time prevents the occurrence of peri-implantitis, the imbalance of prosthetic works.

The cost of a dental check-up for patients with prosthetic works on implants (panoramic radiography + professional hygiene) varies between 250 and 400 lei.

Services Rates

Package Rates

For a complex treatment plan that includes all the necessary costs and steps, you need to come to the Dental Experts clinic. Following a specialist consultation, based on panoramic radiographs, you will be informed of all the costs and all the steps to follow.



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